Crate gpiod_core

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libgpiod in Rust

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Rust crate for interfacing with Linux GPIO character devices.

It provides an interface to the Linux GPIO using the chardev module. This interface involves calling ioctl funcions which are unsafe and require some unintuitive variable mapping. The functionality provided here is highly inspired by libgpiod.

Since all functionality is dependent on Linux function calls, this crate only compiles for Linux systems.

ABI compatibility

Both v1 (>= 4.0) and v2 (>= v5.10) ABI currently supported but edge detection implemented for v2 only. Sysfs-based API (< 4.0) does not supported.



GPIO chip interface info
The error type for I/O operations of the Read, Write, Seek, and associated traits.
Signal edge detection event
Input direction
Wrapper to hide internals
The information of a specific GPIO line
Line offset to bit offset mapping
Line values with mask
GPIO line values request options
Output direction
A Duration type to represent a span of time, typically used for system timeouts.
GPIO lines values interface info


Active state condition of a line
Input bias of a GPIO line
Direction of a GPIO line
Output drive mode of a GPIO line
Signal edge or level transition of a GPIO line
Edge detection setting for GPIO line


Maximum number of bits which can be get or set per time
Maximum number of values which can be get or set per time


Something that can be used to get GPIO line values
Something that can be used to get and set GPIO line values
Direction trait


Type Definitions

Bit offset
Value bits and mask
Line offset
Raw event ro read from fd
A specialized Result type for I/O operations.
Default values representation